memories of the well (part 3)
O the Friday nights. Punk, rock, pop, ska, acoustic, classics, good, bad, ugly, young, old, solo artists, eight member ensembles, no-shows and shows we wish hadn't. Live music at The Well was a lot of things, but it was seldom boring (not never, but seldom). There's no way to list all of the memories, but some highlights . . .
- The very first show with Matt and Tyler
- The guy who rolled in stoned out of his mind, nearly took a swing at me, and ended up being escorted away
by Norman's finest during the Three Day Sabbatical show.
- The first Spared show when over 125 people crammed into the place.
- Bands like Lazurus IV, Remnant, and Trent Malloy that consistently packed the place every time they played.
- Every fun punk band that came in a played 12 songs in 25 minutes.
- The night Mindstorm played to Justin and Justin alone.
- The only show we ever shut down due to content.
- The show we should have shut down due to content. One of the worst nights of my existence.
- The night of "Christian" bands when our donation basket was robbed.
I'll wrap up the memories this weekend with thoughts about Sunday nights.
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