memories of the well (part 1)
Since we have spent so much time over the years doing
In no particular order, I remember. . .
Getting to know Quentin while priming the back for hours
Thomas painting the floor in the back
The very first workday / cleanup with Steve, Mark, Krystal, Jennifer, Amanda, Rebecca, Mom, and others I'm sure.
Green, blue, yellow, red. Beautiful.

Steve going after the built-in shelves in the back with a sledgehammer. Good stuff.
My brother and I cleaning the back with a pressure washer and watching it peel off the paint and bore holes in the old bricks.
Tearing out the old floor in The Well
My other brother helping me hang sheet rock in the front.
Tearing out the old sheet rock and concrete with Liz late one Tuesday night.
Priming the back with Stephen and Ashley

Late night sheetrocking upstairs with Josh and Jonathan
Painting the hallway floor upstairs with Caleb.
Kent and Mark tearing out plaster in room 3.
Hours and hours with the whole community working upstairs
One word - refrigerator.
Oceans of paint, miles of sheet rock, mountains of texture, hours of life spent together, more stories than I could possibly tell.
Laughter, frustration, sweat, blood, maybe a tear or two, lots of dreams. Good days.

Coming next - the friends we've made along the way.
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