Sunday, January 15, 2006

the world shrunk a little more

Tonight - after watching the first two hours of 24 of course - I sat down to check my email and found that we had two comments on Rebekah's blog from a family in The Netherlands that adopted a little girl from the orhpanage in Fenyi who is a week older than Rebekah. How crazy is that? Two little girls who may have shared a room and who certainly shared a playroom whisked off to cities 4800 miles (7725 km)and yet their parents can find each other and connect and help those same little girls have some sort of deeper connection to their past together.
Sometimes the whole thing blows my mind. I can't wait to get to know Frank and Jose and hear their story (thankfully they speak English - my Dutch isn't so great).
It's a small world after all (sing along)


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