favorites of 2004
Just a note: 2004 was a long time so many of these will have more than one "favorite". I won't get into all of the issues with that, feel free to do so yourself, but leave me out of it. It's my party and I can be inclusive (or indecisive if you will) if I want to.

Some strong runners-up

Radio -- This is the year I finally discovered the joys of NPR (I know, I'm way behind). One of the must listens for me as I have stumbled around in the business world is Brain Brew. You can listen to each week's segments on their web site. It's on KGOU at 11AM on Wednesdays if you're around OKC.
Music -- Two Christmas entries win out in this one. (at least that's when I heard them)

Other random good stuff --
Tech addition to my life -- blogexpress -- all the news, sports, randomness, and writing from all over the world you could possibly want. I know people who subscribe to over 5,000 feeds through it.
Place we traveled -- Kansas City v. Santa Fe v. Montego Bay -- toss up here. It was a good year for getting around.
Internet waste of time -- say what you need to, it's Homestar Runner.
Place to just hang out -- Java Dave's (downtown) wins this one. Great food and drinks, comfortable spots to sit (if you know where to find them) and FREE wi-fi (listening starbucks?). If you haven't been (and you're anywhere around) go. Invite me to join you while you're at it.
Enough for now. I am working on the book list, but that's like asking me which meal I enjoyed the most in 2004. (the Jamaican special at the townhouse in montego bay if you really were wondering, or maybe that nuclear chicken thing at the shed in santa fe, or maybe the chicken at stroud's in KC, mmmmmmm)
Well, now I'm hungry.
Happy 2005