Thursday, May 25, 2006

just a thought

As I was driving through Edmond today and saw no less than 5 church marquees announcing some "Code" related gathering, I had to wonder. . .

What would the world be like if the Church had taken all of the time, energy, money, and focus given to the DaVinci Code over the last three years and applied it to dealing with the Bible?


Sunday, May 14, 2006

frederick beuchner interview video

This is a great interview with one of my favorite authors. Curteosy of PBS Religion and Ethics Newsweekly.
Watch the video here
or read the interview here.
One favorite quote
ABERNETHY: (the interviewer) I asked Buechner what advice he gives young people seeking a career.
Rev. BUECHNER: The vocation for you is the one in which your deep gladness and the world's deep need meet -- something that not only makes you happy but that the world needs to have done.


tragic, sad, true, funny video

King of the Hill goes church shopping.
This is why we're in trouble if we ever move.
watch here

Saturday, May 06, 2006

speaking of bed nets

Friday, May 05, 2006

must see video

I think I have told the story here about the little girl from the orphanage in Fenyi who was coming to America to have surgery to correct a severe facial abnormality. Gong Lu has been for for about amonth and today she made an appearance on the Today show.
The thing that struck all of us about this little girl was her beautiful smile (which you can see in the picture to the left)and spirit in spite of her problem. She was the first to meet us coming off the bus and the last to wave goodbye as we left. To watch her today with the same smile was overwhelming. The clip is about 10 minutes long, but completely worth it. Also featured in the clip is the director, Ms. Xu. As we watched it this afternoon, Rebekah very clearly reacted to the faces and Mrs. Xu's voice. Fun stuff.
Watch the clip (since is't from, you have to use internet explorer - sorry about that).