Thursday, November 04, 2004
About Me
- Name: J
I read, I play games, I play with my kids, I goof around with music, I chase God. I love thinking and reading about theology and sociology and economics and globalisation and pop culture and anything else that catches my eye. I am fascinated by China, perpetually frustrated by the Cubs, in pursuit of life with Jesus, and hopeful that the world will be better when I leave it.
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- jacob's well
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- The End of Poverty
- Jesus Radicals
- The Millenium Campaign
- Make Poverty History
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- world vision gift catalog
- adopt a child through compassion
- dwight friesen
- real live preacher
- doug pagitt
- andrew jones
- lance h
- tony jones
- jonny baker
- tim keel
- church marketing sucks
- sacred space
- ship of fools
- lark news
- emergent-us
- jesus politics
- mccarty musings
- adbusters
- Blogarama
- China Daily online newspaper
- cubs online
- dmb online
- david crowder band
- the internet movie database
- sites unseen - 2000 alternative christian links
The End of Poverty

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