happy birthday to us
As we have spent this week working so hard to get The Well and The Loft ready for our reopening Friday and celebration on Sunday I've thought a lot about the last 36 months of my life and our life together.
cue dreamy chimes for flashback sequence
I've also found myself thinking forward. To conversations about life and art and faith and everything else that will be had around the new bar or in the orange lounge in The Loft. To new friends we have not yet met, but who someday will be as much a part of our community as those who have been in it from the beginning. To experiences together with God that future Sunday nights hold in store. To the continuation of this adventure that is life with God and life together.
There is so much more to say, but this is a moment when words don't suffice. If you happen to find yourself around Norman this weekend, stop in Friday night for some great live music and good coffee or come by Sunday night at 6 and join the celebration. You can get directions here or just ask in the comments section.
That's enough from me for now. For those of you who have been a part, thank you for what you brought to our community. For those who currently find themselves among us (wherever you may be), my words are inadequate to express the love and gratitude I have for you as friends and fellow-journeyers. For those who are to come, I cannot wait to call you friend.
Can I end with some amazing words written by one of our own for us?
We remember the stories, of lepers and kings and angels and demons, but mostly people like us and our Christ. People like us and our future.
How lovely, beautiful the ordinaries are
people like us
and love finds us.
God is good.
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