happy birthday hannah
six? not possible. it was just yesterday that i held you (all 9+ lbs of you!) at the hospital for the first time while Pop got the inside scoop on who you were and pretended he guessed right. i will never forget giving you that first bath and feeling that mix of thank you God and it's a girl and what the heck am i going to do with a girl?

i love to listen to you sing when you don't think anyone is paying attention. i love every show and every picture and every laugh. i love watching you take care of nathan and put caleb in his place. i love that you lead our family in both dance recitals and trips to the emergency room.
you are going to be such an amazing sister to our new little one. she has no idea yet how lucky she will be. i can't wait to watch that.
i love you more than i could possibly say or show. i am so proud of who you are and who you are becoming. happy birthday peanut, pickle, baby girl, hurricane hannah.
i love you
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