Thursday, June 24, 2004

do this

i just finished a very different experience. i attended the vespers service at the church of fools. it's an internet church out of england that has twice daily services and a more extended time of worship on sundays. it's almost like the sims go to church.

the service lasted about 15 minutes and included prayers, responses, readings from the old testament, and the passing of the peace. i wasn't sure how it would all work, but it really was a time of worship. the most amazing moment was praying the lord's prayer together "in whatever version we were comfortable with". i watched the prayer prayed in english, spanish and dutch -- pretty cool.

it's a pretty impressive environment they have created. you can walk around and interact with the environment (icons, other sites to look at, etc) and with the people around you. i had a couple of good conversations with people from holland and wales and nyc. there are also the obligatory atheist / agnostic types who want to fight (and who find plenty of dogmatic folks to go with them) - apparently at one point a week or so ago a guy climbed into the pulpit and claimed to be satan and started preaching -- that's a little different than what goes on at fbc whereever (i think).

anyway. the vespers service happens at 5pm oklahoma time. i think the morning one is at 1:30am our time. if you go i'd love to know what you think about the experience.

wild days we live in


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