Sunday, March 28, 2004

one of my favorite places on earth

i got to go to mission arlington this weekend with our church. i don't know how many times i have been since i was first introduced to this place in 1993, but it is without question one of my favorite places to be on earth.
if you don't know, MA is an organization that takes the Kingdom to the city of arlington, texas and beyond. they distribute food, clothes, furniture, assistance, medical care, dental care, and more to just about anyone with a need. they are also committed to taking church to the people of arlington and have bible studies and "churches" in 237 apartment complexes in the area. in any given week, over 3000 people are a part of a MA study. many of these apartment studies have become full-blown churches. go to their web site for more about what they do.
there are a ton of things i love about MA. more than what they do, i love who they are. most of the people i saw yesterday working are the same people who were their 11 years ago. they have given their lives (literally) to the vision of this place and to the people of their city. one of the people we worked with yesterday was a jr. high student hanging out around the place when i took my first group there and now she is on staff full time -- that is amazing and she isn't the only one. i am inspired and humbled by the dedication and love of these people. they not only take the reality of God into their world, they demonstrate the reality of who He is by the way they deal with people and each other.
i don't know if there is a point to this really. i just wanted to thank God for this amazing place and the people who make it happen. if you have some spare $$ or time...send it their way.



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